MHS Association

2022 MHS Association Annual Report


Anchored in Anabaptist values, MHS Association inspires and strengthens health and human service ministries to fulfill their missions.


MHS Association is the go-to leader for integrating faith and work in health and human services.

MHS Association Member Organizations

Member Ministries


Employed more than


Served more than


Economic impact


Connected members through...

Network Groups

Network Groups are an opportunity to share knowledge, brainstorm, and find solutions while connecting with your peers in MHS Association organizations. History has shown time and again that a strong community leads to stronger ministry.

Mennonite Health Assembly

Mennonite Health Assembly has been gathering the leadership of Anabaptist health and human service ministries since 1952. In 2022, Mennonite Health Assembly took place in Greenville, NC.

Executive Circle

Executive Circle is a year-long CEO leadership development program. It is designed for networking with other MHS Association CEOs, sharing challenges and successes, developing greater clarity and creativity, and exploring current leadership/industry trends.


eConnections is one of MHS Association's monthly digital publications. It connects our members through sharing upcoming events and leadership development opportunities, member news, insights on governance, and more.

Supported members' bottom line through Peace Church Captive Programs...


MHS Association members participated in PCHIP


MHS Association members participated in the PCPIT program


MHS Association members participated in the PCWSP program


MHS Association members participated in the PCRRG program

2022 Financial Summary





MHS Association & MHS Consulting Staff

MHS Association and MHS Consulting staff are the backbone of our organizations. Through them, the programming, tools, and services provided are made possible.

1 Corinthians 3:9, “For we are God’s fellow workers. You are God’s field, God’s building.”

Karen Lehman President/CEO Goshen, Indiana
Clare Krabill COO & MEP Managing Director Goshen, Indiana
Randy Clouse VP of Finance Goshen, Indiana
Nick Matthews Communications and Program Director
Riley Mills Communications and Program Director, Project Manager Goshen, Indiana
Cynthia Miller Executive Coordinator Goshen, Indiana
Diana Podmarkova Administrative Coordinator Serving Anabaptist Providers Group Akron, Pennsylvania
Heather Plunkett Consulting Associate
Suzette Davis Managing Director Goshen, IN
Phil Hess President & CEO Serving Anabaptist Providers Group Akron, Pennsylvania

2022 Innovation Grant Recipient: Anabaptist Disabilities Network

Congratulations to the 2022 Innovation Grant recipient, Anabaptist Disabilities Network. An Anabaptist membership curriculum will be created for youth and adults with intellectual disabilities. The curriculum will include a teacher’s book and a student book. The teacher’s book will include a theological discussion of baptism and belonging in the Anabaptist church, including a discussion of alternatives when baptism does not seem like the right choice in cases where a declaration of intent is not clear. The student book will be written at a third grade level but with content that is appropriate for adults.

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2022 Scholarship Recipients

Students are awarded annually as recipients of the Miller-Erb Nursing Scholarship and the Elmer Ediger Memorial Scholarship through MHS Association. The two $2,500 Miller-Erb undergraduate scholarships are available for students pursuing a Bachelors of Science in Nursing (BSN). In 2022, Rosabel Evangelisa Rios and Abigail Keiwua were awarded these funds. Four students studying in the field of behavioral health or developmental disabilities are be selected to receive the $3,000 Elmer Ediger Memorial scholarship. Carissa Mast, Catrina Lambert, Gabrielle Ott, and Shanti Kauffman were selected as the 2022 recipients. Congratulations to all 2022 scholarship recipients!

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MHS Association Board of Directors

The 2022 MHS Association Board of Directors was chaired by Valerie G. Rempel, Ph.D. Joining her in leadership as the board’s Vice Chair was Jenifer Foster. No board exits or reappointments occurred in 2022.

Valerie G. Rempel, Ph.D. Board Chair The Association of Theological Schools Fresno, California
Jenifer (Jen) Foster Board Vice Chair, Governance Committee Chair Central California Mennonite Residential Services Fresno, California
Kerry Hoke Chair of Commission for Sponsorship Director of Pastoral Ministries, Messiah Lifeways Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania
James Krehbiel Chair, Finance Committee CEO, Bluestem Communities Hesston, Kansas
Jerry Lile Board Chair, MHS Association CEO, Fairmount Homes Ephrata, Pennsylvania
Larry Miller Chair, MHS Consulting Board Retired, Former CEO, Everence Harrisonburg, Virginia
Maribel Ramirez Hinojosa Clinical Psychologist College Station, Texas
Roy Teramoto Medical Officer for Phoenix Area Indian Health Service Phoenix, Arizona
Don Tyson Professor of Nursing, Eastern Mennonite University Harrisonburg, Virginia
Myron Weaver CEO, OrrVilla Retirement Community OrrVille, Ohio
Amanda Nugent Divine CEO, Kings View Corporation Fresno, California
Todd Hanes CEO, Adriel, Inc. West Liberty, Ohio