MHS Association

2023 MHS Association Annual Report


Anchored in Anabaptist values, MHS Association inspires and strengthens health and human service ministries to fulfill their missions.


MHS Association is the go-to leader for integrating faith and work in health and human services.

MHS Association Member Organizations

Member Ministries


Employed more than


Served more than


Economic impact


Members connected through...

Network Groups

An opportunity to share knowledge, brainstorm, and find solutions while connecting with your peers in MHS Association organizations. A strong community leads to stronger ministry.

Mennonite Health Assembly

Gathering the leadership of Anabaptist health and human service ministries since 1952, the 2023, Mennonite Health Assembly took place in Denver, CO, where the event's new name, MHS Assembly, was announced.

Executive Circle

A year-long CEO leadership development program designed for networking with other MHS Association CEOs, sharing challenges and successes, developing greater clarity and creativity, and exploring current leadership/industry trends.


One of MHS Association's monthly digital publications. Content connects members through sharing upcoming events and leadership development opportunities, member news, insights on governance, and more.

We supported our members' bottom line through Peace Church Captive Programs...


MHS Association members participated in PCHIP.


MHS Association members participated in the PCPIT program.


MHS Association members participated in the PCWSP program.


MHS Association members participated in the PCRRG program.

2023 Financial Summary (Preliminary numbers)





MHS Association & MHS Consulting Staff

MHS Association and MHS Consulting staff are the backbone of our organizations. Through them, the programming, tools, and services provided are made possible.

1 Corinthians 3:9, “For we are God’s fellow workers. You are God’s field, God’s building.”

Karen Lehman President/CEO Goshen, Indiana
Clare Krabill COO & MEP Managing Director Goshen, Indiana
Randy Clouse VP of Finance Goshen, Indiana
Riley Mills Communications and Program Director, Project Manager Goshen, Indiana
Cynthia Miller Executive Coordinator Goshen, Indiana
Diana Podmarkova Administrative Coordinator Serving Anabaptist Providers Group Akron, Pennsylvania
Suzette Davis Managing Director Goshen, IN
Phil Hess President & CEO Serving Anabaptist Providers Group Akron, Pennsylvania

In 2023, MHS Consulting welcomed Ashley Ganger as it's new Consulting Coordinator.

Our New Brand

In 2019, MHS identified a need to develop a clear and defined identity. Now, in 2023, we have made significant strides in this development with the launch of a new brand – MHS Association. 

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Value of a Network: Limitless!

MHS Association member organizations have received an average ROI of 4.9:1 over the past three years. Three-year annual averages of distributions from MEP ($1,997,333), Peace Church Captive Programs ($706,598), and savings from GPOs ($103,922) direct your organization’s money where it belongs – back into fulfilling your mission.

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MHS Association Board of Directors

The 2023 MHS Association Board of Directors was chaired by Jerry Lile, CEO of Fairmount Homes. The board welcomed three new members, Charlene Epp, Hugh Davis, and Jill Schellenberg. MHS Association is thankful for the service of departing board members Jen Foster, Valerie G. Rempel, Maribel Ramirez Hinojosa, and Don Tyson.

Jerry Lile Board Chair, MHS Association CEO, Fairmount Homes Ephrata, Pennsylvania
Kerry Hoke Chair of Commission for Sponsorship Director of Pastoral Ministries, Messiah Lifeways Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania
James Krehbiel Chair, Finance Committee CEO, Bluestem Communities Hesston, Kansas
Hugh Davis Greencroft Communities Goshen, IN
Larry Miller Chair, MHS Consulting Board Retired, Former CEO, Everence Harrisonburg, Virginia
Roy Teramoto Medical Officer for Phoenix Area Indian Health Service Phoenix, Arizona
Todd Hanes CEO, Adriel, Inc. West Liberty, Ohio
Amanda Nugent Divine CEO, Kings View Corporation Fresno, California
Myron Weaver CEO, OrrVilla Retirement Community OrrVille, Ohio
Charlene Epp Island Health Anacortes, Washington
Jill Schellenberg Retired Professor of Criminology and Restorative Justice Studies, Tabor College Fresno, California