Planned Giving on a Shoestring Budget with a Shoestring Staff

November 6, 2024

1:00 pm – 3:30 pm

Everence Financial and MHS Association will host a 2-hour virtual learning session on fundraising. Expert Bryan Clontz, founder and president of Charitable Solutions, LLC, will lead participants through the ins and outs of planned giving and will focus on how non-profits with limited resources can successfully start planned giving programs.

Attendees will learn how to create or enhance a robust planned giving program on little to no budget. Clontz will define planned giving in simple terms, divulge motivation for donors, and will provide a step-by-step action plan. Over the last 20 years, more than 3,000 attendees have enjoyed and benefited from this talk.

Everence helps individuals, organizations, and congregations integrate finances with faith through a national team of financial professionals. Everence offers banking, insurance, and financial services with community benefits and stewardship education. We are excited to be collaborating with them on this upcoming session!

Registration for this event is now closed. 


Bryan Clontz,Founder & President

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