Know Before You Grow: Evaluating and Financing Capital Reinvestment


January 28, 2025

2:30 pm – 3:30 pm

Not-for-profit organizations are embarking on substantial growth through expansions, affiliations, and acquisitions. However, often overlooked are the significant existing capital needs of existing communities or newly-affiliated organizations. This session provides a structured approach for organizations to evaluate, prioritize, and plan for extensive capital replacements.  Participants will understand the benefits of conducting a Capital Replacement Analysis (CRA) and how integrating these findings into long-term strategic growth plans can optimize efficiency and financial sustainability. Additionally, the session explores the advantages of incorporating capital spending needs into larger financing strategies, including the requirements for tax-exempt financing. By preparing ahead and aligning capital investments with growth initiatives, organizations can ensure they are well-equipped to thrive in a competitive future.


  1. Highlight the importance of a Capital Replacement Analysis (CRA) in assessing and prioritizing capital spending needs.
  2. Demonstrate how to integrate CRA results into an organization’s strategic growth plan to support long-term sustainability.
  3. Discuss the strategic benefits of incorporating capital spending requirements into comprehensive financing plans, including tax-exempt financing considerations.


Amy Castleberry,Managing Director

Rob Milam,CEO

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