Learning and Leading with Humility Part Two: Belonging as a Principle

By Karen Lehman July 18, 2024

Becoming a purpose-driven board requires a shift in thinking and orientation to the board’s role and the make-up of its members

Purpose-driven board leadership embraces four principles to drive how the board understands its work and carries out its governance responsibilities.   A purpose-driven board that understands WHO is on the board can drastically change the answers to HOW the board operates and WHAT role the board plays.

The four principles include focus on the purpose (mission) before the organization, respect for the ecosystem (all the interconnected components and relationships) in which the organization operates, having an equity mindset, and authorized voice and power (the understanding and belief that boards have a responsibility to engage and share power with those impacted by their work.)

Becoming a purpose-driven board requires a shift in thinking and orientation to the board’s role and the make-up of its members.  It changes how the board discerns the decisions and strategies they establish for the organization.  Instead of focusing on what is best for us, work instead on what is best for the desired social outcomes that will do the most good for a more equitable future for all stakeholders.

How does a board work to shift its thinking, orientation, structure, and power to serve more effectively and more authentically?

By prioritizing belonging as a core principle and priority, faith-based nonprofit boards can more effectively fulfill their mission, demonstrate their values, and make a positive impact on their communities and on all persons served.


Written by Karen Lehman & Clare Krabill